Where Creative Ideas Grow

If you’ve ever met a member of Team Focus, you will no doubt have encountered THE MOST creative people in this region. We would rival that they are the most creative of all the Universe, but we’ll settle for the South for the purpose of this post!

With creativity at the helm of everything we do, we thought it would be a fun Friday activity to ask our team where they end up crafting the most creative ideas.

brennaBrenna Aplin, Multimedia Designer

I would go with my first response… but it isn’t quite as introspective-sounding. So, I will go with getting out in the world and soaking in my surroundings, which is also true. You would be surprised how the most mundane or random thing can spark an idea.


kimberlyKimberly Hess, Senior Web Developer

Engaging in (industry-related) online forums is one of my all-time favorite resources/tools for brainstorming.  Also, I find that taking the time to read blog post comments can often be more informative and inspirational than reading the blog posts, themselves.


tylerTyler Johnson, Web Developer

Usually, it’s in bed as I’m trying to go to sleep.  I’ll go over all the issues I ran into during the day, think about good solutions, and sleep on it.  By the next day, I usually have the answers I need.


sam_circleSamantha McCain, PR & Content Manager

Running. It’s the best form of stress relief and the biggest form of ideation (idea + creation). The problem is keeping the run juuuuust long enough for maximum exercise activity and just short enough to not forget my idea. Somewhere between sweating and not passing out – I have to get the idea down, or it’s lost forever.


brynnBrynn Joachim, Advertising Operations Manager

In a bubble bath (relaxing after my traffic duties are over for the day), reading food magazines and cookbooks (something about cooking being an art in many respects fuels my creative side of how things can or could be), and champagne. No bad ideas ever came out of a glass of that!


tbro_circleThomas Broadus, Director of New Media & Interactive

Mine is late night during a Netflix binge at about 10 p.m. During graduate school, it’s when I would write my thesis and it just kind of stuck! I also find that 9 a.m. is an incredibly creative time – especially when Team Focus can get together and decompress some of the things we’ve experienced in the last day or so.


perryPerry Brunson, Sales Specialist

I like to lay/sit on the floor and say random words to whoever is around me (usually my dog Bay) and something most likely comes out of that… like my pocket-napkin invention! Also you should always have a bag of marshmallows near by for creative boosts.  I also find that a notebook by the bed is also a good idea! 


What about you? When and where are you the most creative?

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